Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Magic Johnson HIV+ 21 years+

On this day in 1991, basketball legend Magic Johnson made an announcement that shocked the world.

He was HIV positive. He had a disease that many believe he was immune from. Most people thought HIV and the imminent disease AIDS was a disease "other people" got. It was considered to be a disease only gay men could contract. We now know this is not true, and that is mostly thanks to the advocacy and example Magic has set for the rest of humanity.

Magic Johnson has a deadly disease, but 21 years later, he is still alive. He is now 53 and runs a foundation in his name dedicated to HIV education and prevention.

HIV/AIDS is now manageable thanks to advancements in medicine. Yes, there are fights to be had and pills to take, but diagnosis is not the grim reaper knocking on the door.

The Centers for Disease control estimates that 50,000 new cases of HIV are diagnosed every year in the United States. 61% of these new infections will occur in gay and bisexual men. African American men and women are estimated to have HIV rates 8 times higher than whites. In 2010, 20-24 year olds had the highest diagnosis rate with a little more than 7,500 new cases.

According to the Mayo clinic, there is no cure for HIV/AIDS but there are a variety of medications that can be taken to control the disease. The Mayo clinic recommends patients combine at least 3 different drugs from two different classes. The classes each block the virus in a different way. There are currently 5 different medications.

Magic has not let his disease define him. He is currently keeping busy with Magic Johnson Enterprises that includes Starbucks franchises, reloadable debit cards, movie theaters in undeserved areas and urban development. He is also a basketball commentator.

World Aids Day is December 1, 2012.

ABC News: Magic Johnson's HIV Announcement Resonates 21 years later. Magic Johnson
CDC: HIV Statistics
Mayo Clinic: HIV/AIDS Treatment and Drugs

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